(Marana, AZ) When the Covid-19 pandemic showed its ugly head in the USA, spring sports were called to a screeching halt. College basketball tournaments were canceled mid tournament, spring sports were canceled after just a few games or matches and all club sports were canceled. The staff at 520 Sports Talk want to hear how you, the athlete and/or fan are feeling, so we decided to have a contest. Below are the details of how you can enter… the rules and the rewards:
- Write an essay telling us how the cancelation of sports has effected you. Whether an athlete or fan, Covid-19 has had an impact on the sports world and we want to know how you feel about it. The essay can be as short or long as you want, but it needs to reflect your true feelings.
- The contest is open to athletes and fans of all ages.
- All essays received will be featured on our 520 Sports Talk Web page.
- The 520 Sports Talk Staff will choose the top three essays.
- The top three essays will be posted on our Facebook page and will be voted on by the 520 Sports Talk followers.
- The winner will receive a 520 Sports Talk $50 VISA 💳 gift card, a $50 Frog & Firkin 🐸 gift card and a $50 gift card from Triple Play Sports Grill along with an opportunity to co-host on a future 520 Sports Talk show.
- The only rule is to keep it clean. If there is any profanity, the essay will be automatically eliminated from the contest.
- Send entries to [email protected] by the 24th of June. Any essays received after June 24th will not be eligible for the contest.
Have fun!
Feel free to share the contest with friends and family so they can enter as well!
Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/100004449120492/posts/1594184970739792/