The ninth annual Vamos a Tucson MexicanBaseball Fiesta presented by Vantage West and Visit Tucson will be played on October 3 – 6 at Kino Stadium in Tucson.
This year’s event will include the most MexicanPacific League (Liga Mexicana Del Pacifico) teams in our history (six)…More than half of the teams in the LMP. The teams areNaranjeros de Hermosillo, Yaquis deObregon, Aguilas de Mexicali, Cañeros de Los Mochis, Tomateros de Culiacan, and Mayos de Navojoa as well as the Arizona Wildcats, and the Future Stars from the Arizona Fall League team – Mesa Solar Sox. The Solar Sox are made up of the top prospects of Cubs, Red Sox, Angels, A’s and Tigers.
Hermosillo and Obregon have participated all nine years. Culiacan and Navojoa return to the Fiesta after being gone for a few years. The Mexican Baseball Fiesta will also take place in Las Vegas, Phoenix (Mesa), Nogales (both sides of the border) and Douglas, Arizona.
The Arizona Wildcats return to the Mexican Baseball Fiesta after participating in 2018. Hermosillo vs. the Arizona Wildcats will once again occur in the second game of the doubleheader on Thursday, October 3rd. Last year’s game drew 3,678 fans.
“The Mexican Pacific League is as popular in Mexico as Major League Baseball is in the U.S., if not more so. We’re excited to bring the most LMP teams in our nine year history this year” said Francisco Gamez, Mexican Baseball Fiesta, Founder and Partner. Gamez played over 10 years in the Mexican Pacific League as well as in the Milwaukee Brewers organization in the states. “Constant excitement is the best way to describe the Mexican Baseball Fiesta. The energy of the fans, the music, the food, and fun make this a unique experience for all baseball fans.” MBF founder Gamez joined Mike Feder and Jack Donovanin forming the Mexican Baseball Fiesta, LLC in 2011.
“The Vamos A Tucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta has become one of the top entertainment/baseball events on the Tucson calendar,” said Mike Feder, President of the Mexican Baseball Fiesta. “The word Fiesta best describes our event – A PARTY! Vamos aTucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta will continue to be a tradition in Tucson for many years to come. We believe the “Fiesta” is the largest Hispanic sporting event in Tucson every year.”
“We’re excited to partner with this great eventfor the ninth year to bring Mexican baseball back to Tucson,” said Felipe Garcia, ExecutiveVice President of Visit Tucson. “Events like the Mexican Baseball Fiesta not only allows us to celebrate our friendship with Mexico through baseball, but also has a great economic impact in our community. Visiting teams and fans will use over 2,000 room nights and will bring an economic impact in excess of $1.5 Million Dollars