(Tucson, AZ) Pima Community College Athletic facilities will be getting an upgrade beginning this summer around the West Campus.
The improvements will come from capital investment money funded by the college and all projects have been approved.
The soccer field will receive a new scoreboard and rollaway bleachers. The soccer teams will hold all their practices at the West Campus starting on Aug. 1 and will move their home matches to the West Campus starting in the 2020 season.
The baseball and softball fields will get state-of-the-art backstops and new electrical speaker systems. Both will also get newly painted scoreboards. The projects will be completed by the time the Aztecs begin their spring schedule.
The tennis courts will have new playing surfaces by sometime in the fall.
Pima Athletics finished 17th in the final 2018-19 National Alliance of Two-Year College Athletic Administrators (NATYCAA) Daktronics Cup standings with 75 points.
The Aztecs finished fourth in schools that do not provide dorms and on-campus housing.
The point totals were based on the success of the colleges specifically in national championship competition during the 2018-19 season. Pima placed 24th with 54 points in the 2018-19 final standings.
Pima Athletics Previous Finishes in the NATYCAA Cup Standings:
2017-18 – 24th place with 54 points
2016-17 – 44th place with 40.5 points
2015-16 – 5th place with 124.5 points (1st in schools that don’t offer dorms)
2014-15 – 10th place with 89 points (1st in schools that don’t offer dorms)
2013-14 – 29th place with 49.5 points
2012-13 – 16th place with 69.5 points
2011-12 – T-17th place with 72 points
2010-11 – 22nd place with 55.5 points
2009-10 – 17th place with 69.5 points
2008-09 – 24th place with 57.5 points
Courtesy of Pima Athletics